Made By Studio Anatole

GLINT, The Saga of Auren - Volume 2

"For ten years, I lived in a gilded cage inside King Midas's castle. But one night changed everything."

Now a prisoner of the Fourth Kingdom army, Auren fears for her life. She is the bargaining chip that will either put out the fire or start a war. Left to her own devices, she can count on no one... or almost no one. For Commander Rip, known for his brutality on the battlefield, may not be as hostile as he pretends. In the game of kings and armies, Auren will have to make the right choices to regain her freedom.

Available on Audible

Voice recording


Musical Creation

GLINT, The Saga of Auren - Volume 2
Dubbing in progress, Studio Anatole, Dubbing, voice over, post production based in Lyon

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