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YouTube introduces dubbing for its users

It is now possible to choose an audio track on some YouTube videos.


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May 10, 2023

YouTube introduces dubbing for its users

With the "subtitles" feature having been available for several years now, YouTube has decided to take the next step with dubbing. Like on streaming platforms, and like on DVDs, it is now possible to select an audio track in a target language. A new opportunity for Youtubers to reach a wider audience. Let's see how they can use and appropriate this feature, and who benefits from it.

Content creators are definitely not done with dubbing. While some have tried their hand at it for fun, bringing the discipline to light in the process, it may become more than a hobby for them. For a few months now, the platform has implemented a system of audio track selection, in addition to subtitles. All this on a single video.

The world's number 1 spearhead

The most telling example is certainly the Youtuber, MrBeast. The American with 150 million subscribers felt the need to do something about it, as some of his videos already offer a choice of 11 different languages, in addition to the original English. This novelty even extends to the entire channel since the titles of videos and shorts are also directly translated into the language of the country where you are. A process that he directly explained in a video last February.

In fact, it was the platform itself that offered him this option, with a test phase. A successful first step since in January, about 15% of the creator's viewing time was in a language other than the original.

A $1 plane ticket vs. $500,000!

Who benefits from this feature?

Videographers are not the only ones who benefit. Obviously, Internet users who wish to view certain videos but who face the barrier of a foreign language are also concerned, but also the advertisers who see their field of action widened. They will be able to offer their pre-video advertising in various other countries. It is also a new door that opens for dubbing actors, a new media to launch themselves on, especially when we know its impact and its importance.

The beginnings in France

This new YouTube dubbing feature is a great way for content creators to reach a wider, international audience. Businesses that are also looking to reach customers in different countries can also benefit by tailoring their marketing content according to the country. Easy to use for everyone, it can easily be expected to contribute to the expansion of content creators on YouTube. In France, this will certainly happen through the most influential videographers. For example, we could have thought of our national number 1 in the person of Squeezie, but it's Kevin Tran (le Rire Jaune) who was chosen by the platform, as he explained in video, and streamed on Domingo's Twitch channel: "When they announced the feature, only in the United States and only for MrBeast, I thought I would like it. When YouTube tried to expand it to other countries, there were bound to be a few of us who wanted it, but they said youneed someone who really needs the feature and wants to systematically multi-track their videos." [...] "It's a great experience. It's a lot of work, it's a lot of time but it's a challenge. I think that, since it's in beta, I have a bit of a responsibility to get it right so that YouTube understands that it's really very important for us and that everyone else in France can have it."

I am back in French (definitely)

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